Financial Advisor
Global Maxfin Investments Inc.
My relationship with my clients starts with the development of a comprehensive financial strategy to achieve their long-term financial goals. As part of this plan, we cover the investment, insurance, tax and estate planning aspects of each client’s situation.
I strive to serve as my clients’ chief financial advisor. As part of this role, I coordinate the activities of existing professional advisors such as tax accountants and estate lawyers, If required, I also tap into my own network of professional advisors.
My investment philosophy is essentially conservative in nature. Operating within each client’s risk profile, an investment portfolio is structured which will achieve long-term growth without undue risk – as a result, both my clients and I sleep soundly at night.
Tax planning and minimization is a key component of the financial strategy for most clients. As part of the overall strategy, income splitting, prudent use of leverage and family trusts are evaluated.
Each client’s account is monitored on an ongoing basis to take advantage of opportunities created by changing circumstances. In addition, each financial strategy is reviewed annually and appropriate adjustments made.
I make myself as accessible to clients as possible. All telephone calls are returned the same business day, either personally or by my assistant.
I believe that my best client is one who is fully informed. As a result, I have a strong commitment to client communication. This philosophy has served my clients and me for the last 25 years.